When I moved to Qatar, they told me it only rains 2x year, once in March which brings the heat and once in September which eliminates the heat. Well if that holds true and Qatar is only warranted 2 rains per year, we have used-up our yearly allotment before the end of January. While Katie and Candy were here last week, it rained for nearly 3 straight days. Since the rain never seemed to stop, I will count this as one loooooooooooong rain. Then while riding the loser cruiser (aka the bus we are required to ride all the way to Ras Laffan Industrial City each day), it was pouring down rain.
So the bad news is....Qatar could be in for a long dry 2011 from here on out. The good news is .....Katie and Candy, you are no longer being blamed for bringing the rain. Wonder where I can get a designer umbrella on the Pearl...Hermes, Galliano, Feragamo, or Vera??
Maybe you can pick up my umbrella at Al Gharafa Stadium~It was confiscated when I entered for the Asian Cup soccer games. Not to worry, they gave me a rain poncho in its place ;P